Hier präsentieren wir euch alle bekannten Spoiler zu den kommenden Sets! Das vierundzwanzigste und damit nächste Set Tears of the Planet, erscheint voraussichtlich am 28.03.2024.
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Alle Hidden Hope Spoiler sind ab sofort auf IGN veröffentlicht! Viel Spaß!
Ifrit Before paying the cost to cast Ifrit, you may remove 1 Fire Backup you control from the game to reduce the cost by 2. Choose 1 Forward and up to 1 other Forward. Deal 9000 damage to the former, and 4000 damage to the latter.
Lenne Songstress / Summoner 5000 At the beginning of your attack phase, remove the top card of your deck from the game. You may cast it this turn. (1), Remove Lenne from the game: Choose 1 Summon in your Break Zone. Remove it from the game. You can cast it any time you could normally cast it.
Queen Class Zero Cadet 0: Choose up to two Job Class Zero Cadet Backups. Activate them. You can only use this ability on your turn, and only once per turn. (Wind)(1): Choose up to two cards in your opponent's Break Zone. Remove them from the game.
Kuja Genome (Lightning)(Dull), Put Kuja and 1 Forward in the Break Zone: Choose a Forward. Break it.
Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud Before paying the cost to cast Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud, you may remove 1 Water Backup you control from the game to reduce the cost by 2. Choose 1 auto ability produced by a Forward. Put the Forward that produced it into the Break Zone. Draw 1.
Fusoya Lunarian When Fusoya enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 9000 damage. Remove the top two cards of your deck from the game. Flare (S)(1)(Dull): Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 9000 damage. Remove the top two cards of your deck from the game.
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