The 25th FFTCG Set, Tears of the Planet, will release on the 28.03.2025!
We are proud to present to you a character, whose category is a fan favorite. Maybe this card can help you find a game plan for this archetype and let it shine in a new light.
The Card
4CP, Fire
Job: Class Zero Cadet
Kategorie: Type-0
8000 Power
Card code: 25-012C
When Trey enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 2000 damage for each Job Class Zero Cadet you control.
Background Lore
Trey is a playable character in Final Fantasy Type-0. He is a smart person who takes pride in his knowledge. He often finds himself pondering over trivial things which sometimes in return lead to the other members of his group to find him insufferable.
He is equipped with a longbow. With it he takes the role of a long ranged fighter close to a sniper. He has a high attack power as well as range while being rather slow. In battle his best use is to charge an attack to put out high damage while having no recoil.
His fighting style is well portrayed in his new card from Tears of the Planet. His auto-ability let us deal with an opponent's forward when Trey is being supported by the Job Class Zero Cadets. This effect is as explosive as the element fire he has.
This card is the third version of Trey. As of now we have a wind-forward and a very playable lightning-backup. The best Type-0 cards are currently in fire, wind and lightning. Thus this new Trey has to compete directly with those before him.
![[13-123L] Nine](
Just by himself Trey is not a spectacular card. But he gets better the more of his companions are on the field. A few days prior one of those cadets was revealed. In [25-078H] Seven we will get a backup which we want to play together with Trey. By dulling two Job Class Zero Cadet we can give a Type-0 forward haste. This way we can use Trey to give another forward haste or we can give haste to Trey if we want to attack with him.
If we want to make good use of Trey's auto ability and don't have enough Job Class Zero Cadet on the field [10-131S] Ace can help us out dealing with bigger forwards. When Ace enters the field we may deal 5000 damage on a forward opponent controls. By playing Trey after that we get to deal at least another 4000 damage on this or another forward. This way we can deal up to 9000 damage which should be enough to handle most of the forwards.
If we need to find other Job Class Zero Cadets to get them on the field or just to bring Trey into our hand we need a searcher. We have one in [3-097R] Arecia Al-Rashia as a lightning backup. Although she isn't part of class zero she allows us to search for the forwards. This way we can pump up the damage dealt by Trey or just search for him if we need to use his auto ability.
Another forward that profits from a big number of Job Class Zero Cadets is [22-078C] Sice. She gets cheaper by 2 CP if we control 2 or more other Job Class Zero Cadet. When we get to play Sice, we can break a forward opponent controls of cost lower or equal to the number of Job Class Zero Cadet we control. This is a good ability in which the cadets synergy is well represented.
Last but definitely not least we need to mention the power card from Type-0. [13-123L] Nine has an alternative method to cast him on to the field. We can dull one active fire- and one active lightning-Job Class Zero Cadet to put Nine into play. When he enters the field or attacks we get to reduce the power of a forward in relation to the amount of Job Class Zero Cadet we control. This way we can deal damage with Treys auto ability and dull him and another lightning cadet forward to cast Nine and maybe finish the job on a forward Trey couldn't have broken on his own.
As a forward in an archetype which was restricted by it's "colorful" deckbuilding, Trey has the potential to pave a way for a good Fire/Lightning-Type-0 deck. For this dream to come true we will
need a few more cards to support the category. The previously spoiled cards let us hope for more.
What do you think of Trey as the new addition to the category Type-0? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or the DACH FFTCG Discord! If you haven't seen enough spoilers yet, you can find an overview of all previously
published spoilers from Tears of the Planet on our spoiler page.
We would like to thank SQUARE ENIX for allowing us to present another spoiler!